Quest Service Group
Gerstman Sales
Gerstman Group
Quest Service Group

MARCH 2024, Vol V – Issue 1

Quest Attends StorePoint Retail 2023

Quest recently attended StorePoint Retail 2023 in Dallas, TX. StorePoint Retail is an event that connects senior level retailer decision-makers responsible for innovating the in-store shopping experience with suppliers like Quest.  The Quest Business Development Team attends this event every year and has generated a significant amount of in-store service business for the company as a result.

Quest presented to more than 20 major retailers in “Boardroom” presentations and met with more than 30 other retailer executives during one-on-one meeting sessions and networking events. Gregg Gerstman, Quest’s Senior Vice President of Business Development, is an Advisory Board member for StorePoint Retail, which puts in him a position to regularly network with other members and to provide input and insight on the event from a supplier perspective.

Home Depot New Store Projects in 2023!

Quest is excited to announce that we will be executing New Store projects for Home Depot starting in 2023! We will be one of a select few companies that will be involved in the building of their new stores next year and have already started some of our training for this new program. Our scope will be primarily merchandising and in bay display work and we will be responsible for all of the various Home Depot departments. The new store builds will take place during the day and will typically be done over a 9 week period. If anyone is interested in getting involved in this new program please reach out to your manager.