Quest Service Group
Gerstman Sales
Gerstman Group
Quest Service Group

MARCH 2024, Vol V – Issue 1

keeping you safe in the workplace


Foot Safety

Steel Toe Shoes are MANDATORY for all Quest field employees

Not wearing the right safety footwear at work can result in more injuries than you might expect. Failing to wear proper footwear and toe equipment exposes you to injuries from sprains from slip and falls, bruises stubbed toes and broken bones from falling/rolling objects, and cuts, punctures and lacerations. You should always wear protective shoes and: 

  1. Keep Aisles free of clutter, boxes and unused equipment to prevent slips and falls. 
  2. Pay close attention to areas prone to wet floors/slippery conditions and immediately notify store personnel and/or place wet signs.
  3.  Make sure that items are secured and stacked properly to prevent them from falling on your toes and feet.   

    Head Safety

    Certain job tasks, such as drilling, driving fasteners, or merchandising may lead to light or heavy objects to fall and strike directly against your head causing a number of injuries. Head protection and proper safety is always important to reduce any form of injuries on the job:

    1. All Quest Employees are REQUIRED to wear company provided hard/bump hats when moving, skating, or breaking down racks/fixtures/counters. 
    2. Avoid lifting, holding, positioning heavy or awkward objects with raised arms. 
    3. Look at the area above where you are working.  If there are loose items that you think could fall, secure those items before starting the task that might cause those items to fall
    4. Consider using tools that bring you closer to the assignment or task.

      Hand Safety

      Cuts, Lacerations, and punctures aren’t the only types of hand injuries but also include sprains, fractures and breaks. Not only is it mandatory to wear safety gloves (except when doing intricate tasks like affixing price labels), but they help prevent hand injuries on the job.

      1. Always Use Company provided safety gloves for all work tasks especially cutting, use of hand tools and handling heavy materials.
      2. Never put your hand in an area where you cannot see it when using any type of tools.
      3. Ensure Knives are properly stored and used with blades facing away from your hands. 
      4. Inspect your gloves periodically for cuts, tears and abrasions that can potentially injure your hand and replace immediately with our company provided gloves.  


        • Make sure areas are clear of all personnel (including customers!) before moving material through an area.
        • All equipment should be operated only by certified/qualified employees and only after assessing and securing the surrounding area.
        • If you see a risk developing, notify the team immediately and do not continue working till it is addressed – “hoping” something doesn’t go wrong is not enough! It’s easier to plan and prepare for risks than to react when something goes wrong.